14 अक्तूबर 2008

जंगल का कानून

The Law Of The jungle
Fidel Castro (13/10/०८)

Trade, within a society and among countries, is the exchange of goods and services produced by human being. The owners of the means of production appropriate the profit. As a class,they are the leaders of the capitalist state and they boast offostering development and social well-being through the marke. This they worship as an infallible Go.In every country there is competition between the strongest and theweakest; those with more physical energy, those who are better fed,those who learned how to read and write, those who attended school,those who have more accumulated experience, more social relations andmore resources, and those in society who do not have these advantage.Among countries: those with a better climates and more arable land,more water and more natural resources in the area where they arelocated, when there are no more territories to conquer; those thatmaster technology, have greater development and handle unlimited mediaresources, and those that, in contrast, do not enjoy any of these prerogative. These are the sometimes enormous differences between countries described as rich or poor.It is the law of the jungle.There are no differences among ethnic groups in terms of human beings'mental faculties This has been thoroughly proven by साइंस Today'ssociety is not the natural evolution of human life, but a creation ofmentally-developed humans; without that society, their life would beinconceivable. Therefore, what is at stake is whether or not humanbeings will be able to survive the privilege of possessing creativeintelligence.The developed capitalist system, epitomized by the country privilegedby nature to which European whites brought their ideas, dreams andambitions, is today in crisis. But, it is not the usual crisis thathappens once every certain number of years, or even the traumaticcrisis of the 1930s; rather, the worst of all since the world startedto pursue this model of growth and development.The current crisis of developed capitalism is taking place as theempire is about to change its leadership in the elections that takeplace in 25 days; it was the only thing that remained to be seen.The candidates of the two main parties who will decide these electionsare trying to persuade the bewildered voters — many of whom have neverbothered to cast a vote — that as presidential candidates, they canguarantee the well-being and consumerism of what they describe as amiddle-class people, without the least intention of making realchanges to what they consider to be the most perfect economic systemthat the world has ever known. It is the same world, of course, in theminds of each and every one of them, which is less important than thehappiness of some 300 million people who account for less than fivepercent of the world population. The fate of the remaining 95% ofhumanity, war and peace, air that may be the fit to breathe or not,will depend to a great extent on the decisions of the empire'sinstitutional leader, whether or not that constitutional office hasany real power in a period of nuclear weapons and computer-controlledspace shields, in circumstances where every second counts and ethicalprinciples are increasingly less important. Still, the more or lessdisastrous role played by presidents of that country cannot beoverlooked.Racism is deeply rooted in the United States, and the minds ofmillions of white people cannot accept the idea of a black man, withhis wife and children, occupying the White House, which is preciselywhat it's called: White.It's a miracle that the Democratic candidate has not met the same fateas Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others who dreamed of justice andequality in recent decades. Moreover, he tends to look at hisadversary with serenity and to laugh at the dialectic predicaments ofan opponent who gazes into space.The Republican candidate, on the other hand, who cultivates hisreputation as a belligerent man, was one of the worst students in hisclass at West Point. He has confessed that he knows nothing aboutMathematics, and presumably far less about complicated economicsciences.There is no doubt that his rival surpasses him in intelligence and serenity.Something McCain has the most of is age, and his health is not at all secureI mention this information to indicate the eventual possibility — ifanything should happen in terms of the candidate's health, given thathe is elected — of the rifle lady, the inexperienced former governorof Alaska, becoming president of the United States. It is obvious thatshe knows nothing about anything.Meditating on the current U.S. public debt that President Bush islaying on the shoulders of the new generations in that country — $10.3trillion — it occurred to me to calculate the time it would takesomebody to count the debt that he, Bush, has practically doubled ineight years.Somebody working eight hours per day, without missing a second, at therapid pace of 100 one-dollar bills per minute, in 300 days of work peryear, would need 715,000 years to count that amount of money.I could not find a more graphic way of describing the volume of thatsum of money that is now mentioned almost every day.In order to avert a general state of panic, the U.S. administrationhas declared that it will secure deposits that do not exceed $250,000.It will administrate banks and sums of money that Lenin, with hisabacus, could never have imagined counting.We might be wondering now about what contribution Bush'sadministration might make to socialism. But let's not entertain anyillusions. Once banking operations go back to normal, the imperialistswill return the banks to private enterprise, as some other countriesin this hemisphere have already done. The people always foot the bill.Capitalism tends to reproduce itself under any social system becauseit is based on egotism and on human instincts.Human society has no other alternative but to overcome thiscontradiction; otherwise, it would not be able to survive.At this time, the flood of money being poured into world finances bythe central banks of developed capitalist countries is dealing a heavyblow to the stock exchanges of countries that are trying to overcometheir economic underdevelopment by resorting to these institutions.Cuba has no stock exchange. Undoubtedly, we will find more rationaland more socialist ways of financing our development.The current crइसिस and the brutal measures of the U.S. admistrationton save itself will bring more inflation, more devaluation of nationalcurrencies, more painful losses in the markets, lower prices forexports and more unequal exchange। But they will also bring to thepeoples a better understanding of the truth, more awareness, more rebelliousness and more revolutions.

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